
We emphasize to our team on detail plan for the product development.The plan includes determining the project objectives, collecting project requirements from the client, defining project scope, identifying project dependencies, estimate work effort and dependencies, prepare project schedule and budget, receive approval from client.


  It involves an iterative and incremental approach delivering output in small increments.Each manufacturing iteration involves cost. A thorough research before design is done to avoid any risks during the iterations.Customer is involved at every stage to provide transparency of functionality that is being implemented.The design phase can be described in following stages: Understand, Research, Sketch and Design


 It is the longest phase where the bulk of the work is carried out. The developers in our team will work with the designer to combine product requirements and customer feedback, turning the design into product.In first iteration or sprint bare functionality of the product is build. Additional features and tweaks are added in later sprints.


Testing goes hand in hand with development during each sprint. Everyone in team including designers test the product to ensure that features implemented during a given sprint are actually done.


 Field Deployment is done once release goals are satisfied.


A review meeting is conducted between customer, designer, development team and test team to review the progress made towards completing the requirements.The team introduces their ideas toward resolving the problems that arose during the previous phases and the Product Owner takes their propositions into consideration.


At this stage product is almost ready to launch. Before launch tests are conducted to ensure the software is fully functional and its quality is maintained. Customer training will also take place during this phase for which necessary  documentation is updated.

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